Guest Post by Don Campbell

Sorry, I love my country, and I am concerned.

I know many Canadians are obsessed with the mess that is going on in the US. US news, this. US news that. I get it, there is a feeling of detachment that comes from watching them – it’s like a 24 hour a day CNN fuelled reality show. You can laugh, judge and shake your head in disgust, with little impact.

But as Canadians we should really be focusing on the subtle, and not so subtle, ways in which our country is being torn apart (much more quietly and politely, mind you). And this is a NON-political post. It is happening across the spectrum, at the Federal Level and at the provincial level.

This Parliamentary Democracy, designed so many years ago to provide oversight, structure and debate, no longer has parliamentary or legislative sittings. Debate is no longer debate, question periods are no longer ‘answer’ periods (in fact, they’ve become grandstanding periods). We’ve all experienced the unreality that is a Zoom meeting – now picture the impact of that chaos while trying to run a country.

And now this. This is going WAY to far.

“No parliament until September 21st, supported by 2 elected parties.”

Is this what our beloved Canadian democracy looks like? What happened to the “Vote for Us and we’ll keep the government’s feet to the fire.” I thought they meant oversight, not “feet by a cozy campfire at home.”

It doesn’t matter who you voted for or why. The fact that they want to vote to restrict YOUR elected official from doing their job, running the country, solving the big and small issues should be VERY concerning to you.

I know many who were born and raised in non-democratic countries who are VERY concerned by the governmental trends they are seeing here in Canada. Yes, it is early days, but WOW, I agree with their assessment. Concerning trend that is happening while we all obsess about the train-wreck down south.

Let’s turn off the US new channels for a bit and start writing to our representatives as well as their leaders (as well as every Canadian news media outfit) to say “Hey, sorry we got a little distracted, but now we’re moving our attention back to the country we love and we NEED you to do your job to protect it and make it the best place to live on the planet. The non-democratic direction you’re allowing us to go is NOT what we elected you for. Managing a country decree is not elected parliamentary democracy (as fun as it might seem).”

by Don R Campbell

Originally posted on LinkedIn