10 LIES YOU MUST UNLEARN – By Arlen Dahlin

Sometimes you need to stop trying to learn so much stuff and start working to UNLEARN a few things like…..

1. “Save Your Money”

Save it for a rainy day? I would rather move and follow the sun.* Why would you save your money? Money is completely useless unless you use it.* Money is a tool. * If you had $1 million dollars in the bank, but could not use it, would you be happy? What good is it?* USE your money to: start or grow a  real estate portfolio or business, invest and earn while you sleep, on self improvement, donate and help others, etc.

2. “You Only Have 24 Hours In a Day”

That is bullshit, you have unlimited time.* If you have money, you can trade it for time.* Most people will trade their time for money, but the wealthy know it’s best to trade their money for time.* If you own a business and you hire 10 employees, you have 104 hours in a day (10 employees X 8 hours + your 24 hours). If you own real estate, hire a professional property manager and a handyman, saving your time for higher value activities like finding the next deal, raising capital. 

3. “Patience Is a Virtue”

If you want something really bad, don’t have patience, increase your activity!* Do MORE! The opposite of patience.* “Things take time” is understandable, but understanding things take time is NOT patience.* Patience is the ability to experience trouble, challenge, and delay without getting upset. Why would you want to have that ability? 

4. “Nice Guys Finish Last”

Not true. Strong, trusting relationships will be a critical component to your success and long-term growth.* In fact, having many strong relationships can be like rocket fuel, increasing your level of success at speeds you may not have imagined.* Being an asshole/cheater/liar may serve a few people in the short-term, but usually destroys them in the long-term.

5. “Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness”

Yes it can. As the saying goes, “If money can’t buy you happiness, you don’t know where to shop.”* If you could pay for a child’s life-saving surgery, would that make you happy?* Would being able to afford healthier foods, better education for your kids, better health care for yourself or your parents, a nicer car, the ability to give & donate abundantly, etc, make you happier?* I pretty much only hear people talk shit about money when they don’t have any. You never hear wealthy people talk bad about money, do you?* Disclaimer: However, just because you have money, that does NOT make you automatically happy!

6. “People Can’t Change” or “A Leopard Can’t Change It’s Spots”

Personalities are not spots. Ethics are not spots.* People CAN change.* You can go from a bad person to a good person, a terrible salesperson to a great salesperson, a nice person to a real SOB.* Change does not happen by accident, it happens intentionally.* Figure out what success means to you and make the changes.* When I was in high school, I was a dip-shit, lazy jackass (I did have fun though). I’ve changed!

7. “There Are No Short Cuts”

Not true. You bet there are shortcuts!*The #1 shortcut is having STRONG RELATIONSHIPS. Relationship capital is the easiest shortcut anyone can get.* There are mentors/coaches out there that you can pay $10,000 (or what ever). They can coach you and give you a major shortcut. Coaching is the fastest way to shortcut your success.  Note: some coaches are great, some are okay, and some are a waste of money. Choose carefully.* Even if you don’t have money, everyone you meet knows something you don’t.* You could also be creative and find a way to EARN your way into building a helpful relationship.

8. ”Who Ever Smelt It, Dealt It”

That’s usually a lie 

9. “It’s Already Too Late”

Nothing is too late until you are “pushing daisies.”* If you are reading this now, congratulations you are alive, which means it’s not too late for you.* Things can change if you want them to, at any age. Right now, you can choose differently and make something new happen.* Think, work, and climb if you have to.

10. “To Be Brave Is Not To Be Afraid”

The only time you can be brave is WHEN you are afraid.* I remember doing my first “FISBO” real estate deal. I was so nervous and afraid that I pre-wrote the contract before meeting the seller because I was sure I would look like an idiot with my hands shaking from nervousness and fear. But I still met him and did the deal.* Being brave is when you do something, regardless of your fears, because you know it is the right thing to do.* There will always be the possibility that something will go wrong. There will always be difficulties arising that tempt you to fear that you may not have what it takes. Just take action and move forward. It’s what we all have to do.

Sometimes UNLEARNING things (not just learning) can really speed up your level of success.–

Originally published here by Arlen Dahlin


