Tag: garden suites

  • NIMBYs vs Garden Suites – by John Lorinc

    NIMBYs vs Garden Suites – by John Lorinc

    Here’s an odd little mystery about a freshly filed appeal by a residents association coalition of council’s new “garden suites” bylaw, which was approved by council in February. Last week, a group of seven Toronto ratepayer groups, calling itself the “Building Better Neighbourhoods Coalition,” issued a press releasesaying they would be appealing the bylaw to the Ontario Land…

  • Ontario Assets Wealth Podcast ep. #5 – Andy Tran

    Ontario Assets Wealth Podcast ep. #5 – Andy Tran

    In this episode, Randall Reashore interviews his friend and colleague, Andy Tran. Andy Tran: Consultant and Educator – Andy founded Suite Additions after seeing opportunities to improve our communities and help people gain financial security through various housing densification strategies. Andy is a registered House and Small Buildings designer, real estate investor and developer. He…