Tag: mindset

  • KWNR Wealth Podcast – Ep. #1 Dylan Suitor

    KWNR Wealth Podcast – Ep. #1 Dylan Suitor


  • Middle Class Angst

    Middle Class Angst

    As outlined in a recent Financial Post article, Middle class net worth has nearly doubled in the past 17 years. What makes up the vast majority of middle-class wealth? Not savings, nor bonds or stocks; it is real estate (usually in the form of people’s homes.) “Most of this wealth wasn’t in financial assets, of course.…

  • Dalio – Remove your Big Thing

    Dalio – Remove your Big Thing

    We’ve all had struggles that feel like an insurmountable obstacle; Whether we are talking about making a difficult decision at work (like going for that promotion) or perhaps it’s a health/lifestyle goal that we are grappling with continually. Most real estate investors have felt like these obstacles can be everywhere (leaky foundations, permit processes, LTB…