Tag: Ontario Assets

  • How to get an 800+ credit score – Arlen Dahlin

    How to get an 800+ credit score – Arlen Dahlin

    HOW TO GET AN 800+ CREDIT SCORE!! As lending tightens, having a GREAT credit score becomes more important than ever, especially if you are looking to finance REAL ESTATE purchases. 3 Key Things That = A High Credit Score 1. Pay every bill on time 2. Keep your credit card utilization below 20% 3. Consistency…

  • 10 Essential Products for Multi-Unit Conversions by Andy Tran

    10 Essential Products for Multi-Unit Conversions by Andy Tran

    There are many challenges associated with trying to convert a building that was designed for a single family to one that can now house two or more families. Much of this is associated with compliance with fire separations, sound separation, and for all intents and purposes – people separation. As the residential landscape across North…

  • Fixed or Variable – Guest Post by Arlen Dahlin

    Fixed or Variable – Guest Post by Arlen Dahlin

    MORTGAGE DECISIONS FOR INVESTORS – 5 YEAR FIXED OR VARIABLE?? 🤷‍♂️ I have been asked this question many times lately. HISTORICALLY, IS IT FIXED MORTGAGES OR VARIABLE RATE MORTGAGES THAT HAS SAVED BORROWS THE MOST IN INTEREST EXPENSE? Answer: Variable rate mortgages! * I have ALL my single-family property mortgages on variable rates, I have…

  • Wearing no suit at the public beach?

    Wearing no suit at the public beach?

    As a Realtor focused on investments, I track trends in housing. Some trends are set on solid fundamentals and other trends on shaking footings. Good data + demographics vs. bad advice + greed. Bad advice and greed are a disastrous combination. Bulls make money, Pigs get slaughtered. Currently there are a huge amount of condo…

  • 4 Tips When Managing Your Portfolio (or in a Downturn)

    4 Tips When Managing Your Portfolio (or in a Downturn)

    Is there a correction or crash coming? The CMHC head has repeatedly stated his fear that there is. Conversely, we are equally confident (and putting our money where our mouth is) that values will continue to go up. However optimistic we are though, it is always a good practice to prepare for downturns through strategic…

  • Covid: The way forward part 3

    Covid: The way forward part 3

    HERE IS “THE SCIENCE” Two people have died of COVID-19 under the age of 19.  Two.  How is it possible that we are playing silly games with the opening and closing of schools?  How are teachers not safe?  Obviously, children have some immunity to COVID-19.    321 people have died in Canada of COVID-19 under the…

  • What good can come from COVID, generally and in real estate?

    What good can come from COVID, generally and in real estate?

    What good might come from COVID, generally and in Real Estate? Perhaps daily we reflect on and talk about the generally negative impact that COVID has had on our individual lives and on society in general. Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Here are some “half-full” observations and predictions on possible “good” things that might…

  • Be an Asset Collector

    Be an Asset Collector

    BE AN ASSET COLLECTOR! Advice for young investors just getting started… If you don’t know what niche you plan to follow to start building wealth (and even once you do), start collecting low overhead assets. Meaning, assets that don’t cost much to hold onto long-term. Got some extra cash? Go buy some physical gold or…

  • Monthly Stats – Oct 2020 PTBO

    Monthly Stats – Oct 2020 PTBO

  • The Revival – November 2020

    The Revival – November 2020

    Greetings Friends, After the most bizarre Halloween I’ve experienced, our first snow fall – yes, SNOW. Already! – and currently we are now in the midst of a heat wave in November! All of which are signals we are either nearing the end of the year or the world. Just kidding but what a year; a deeply,…