Tag: Ontario Assets

  • Carbon Tax – an illustration

    Carbon Tax – an illustration

    How carbon tax works. Follow me on my adventure… Pretend there are 5 people living in Canada and this is what they make annually: Gertrude: $500,000William: $400,000Suzy: $50,000Spencer: $40,000Dwight: $30,000 Gertrude and William own all the stores and sell grocery, clothes and industrial supplies to Suzy, Spencer and Dwight. This is what these 5 will…

  • Fixed or Variable – by Scotty Brennan

    Fixed or Variable – by Scotty Brennan

    Variable or fixed?  It’s a question many people are debating right now. As a mortgage broker I get asked about this daily. I am personally buying a home right now, I actually get the keys May 12th! I cannot tell you what the right decision is for yourself but I will share why I am sticking…

  • 10 LIES YOU MUST UNLEARN – By Arlen Dahlin

    10 LIES YOU MUST UNLEARN – By Arlen Dahlin

    Sometimes you need to stop trying to learn so much stuff and start working to UNLEARN a few things like….. 1. “Save Your Money” Save it for a rainy day? I would rather move and follow the sun.* Why would you save your money? Money is completely useless unless you use it.* Money is a…

  • The Revival – April 2022

    The Revival – April 2022

    Greetings Friends, In true Ontario fashion, yesterday we enjoy a sunny spring day (actually saw folks in tee’s and shorts!) and today we are battling grey skies and wet flurries.  Equally as undecided, Ontario’s real estate is trying to pick a direction too. However, we will get into that below. At Ontario Assets, Katherine and I had…

  • 7 Professional Options Strategies Every Trader Needs to Know.

    7 Professional Options Strategies Every Trader Needs to Know.

    By Gregory Mannarino (TradersChoice.net) Seven Professional Options Strategies Every Trader Needs to Know. By Gregory Mannarino (TradersChoice.net) Let me begin here with laying out some options basics, just as a quick review! What Are Options? An option is a derivative, that is an option derives its value from another underlying asset. When a trader either buys or…

  • Quantitative Sleaze –

    Quantitative Sleaze –

    Quantitative Sleaze – How The Bank Of Canada Mislead Politicians On Real Estate & QE ExternalInbox By Peter Sunwasi Canada’s central bank head piqued the interest of economists, and not because of his dazzling personality. Speaking to lawmakers, the Bank of Canada (BoC) Governor Tiff Macklem explained quantitative ease (QE) has no impact on housing. He further explained…

  • The Revival – March 2022

    The Revival – March 2022

    Greetings Friends, We again find ourselves writing from sunny Mexico. Time away with family and friends is why we focus so hard on building our investments and taking control of our financial futures.   While we’re enjoying the sunshine, a ray of hope awaits us and all Ontarians, as an end to the nonsensical, divisive, oppressive…

  • Rick Rule’s 5 Reasons to Buy Hard Assets

    Rick Rule’s 5 Reasons to Buy Hard Assets

    The Federal Reserve has printed $30 Trillion dollars in 30 months. More than any other time in history. As you know, low demand and high supply mean a drop in value of anything, including the dollar. The reason Robert and Kim Kiyosaki hold gold and silver is because they don’t trust the government. Today’s guest…

  • Thoughts on the 2022 Real Estate Market – by Russell Westcott

    Thoughts on the 2022 Real Estate Market – by Russell Westcott

    What follows is a note I shared with my inner circle clients last year (Feb. 2021). Unfortunately, as another year has passed, I see this situation has not improved. The ‘lenses’ that I will be looking at this is from the perspective of Investment Real Estate; owning a property a personal residence is an entirely…

  • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant – Book Summary (Blas.com)

    The Almanack of Naval Ravikant – Book Summary (Blas.com)

    The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Naval Ravikant and Eric Jorgenson Summary A beautiful and more evergreen version of the incredibly deep How to Get Rich podcast Naval did in 2019 where he talks about wisdom, wealth, health, happiness, and more. Key Takeaways I only really want to do things for their own sake. That is one…